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A call for practical health and safety reform

New Zealand’s workplace health and safety system is facing a significant review, aiming to strike the right balance between robust safety measures and practical, risk-based decision-making.

Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden, has completed a nationwide consultation, giving business owners, workers, and health and safety professionals the opportunity to contribute their views on how the health and safety system can better serve our industries, businesses, and communities.

The roadshow, part of the ACT-National Coalition Agreement, marks a step towards modernising our health and safety legislation, allowing for feedback on several key issues.

Minister van Velden has openly questioned whether the current approach always makes sense. Using New Zealand’s extensive use of orange road cones as a metaphor, she noted, “Businesses and community organisations spend a huge amount trying to keep people safe, but it’s worthwhile asking: are the rules and expectations proportionate to the risks?”

At the heart of the consultation are several critical questions:

  • Are New Zealand’s health and safety regulations overly strict or too ambiguous?

  • Does the overlap with other legislative requirements complicate compliance?

  • Are businesses’ actions effectively reducing risks, or are they simply fulfilling obligations without meaningful impact?

  • Are the consequences for non-compliance balanced and fair?

  • Does the current threshold for risk management reflect a reasonable level of caution?

This consultation arrives at a time when both government and industry leaders are prioritising practical reforms.

Advanced Safety, in alignment with national leaders in health and safety, sees this consultation as a pivotal moment for change. Supported by recent recommendations from key industry figures, including improvements in system leadership, WorkSafe funding, and regulatory guidance, the consultation aims to address ongoing challenges.

For instance, at an estimated $4.9 billion per year, the cost of workplace illnesses and injuries in New Zealand highlights the economic and human impact of effective safety measures.

Why This Matters for Your Business

For many business leaders, there is an urgent need to simplify the process of maintaining compliance, ensuring it’s aligned with real-world risks without unnecessary complications.

We often hear from clients that they spend a significant portion of their budget on safety measures, and while keeping people safe is a top priority, there’s an opportunity to implement more practical, risk-focused approaches.

Three Key Recommendations for Reform

A coalition of industry leaders recently recommended three crucial reforms to the government to improve New Zealand’s health and safety outcomes:

  1. Strengthen System Leadership and Coordination: This involves establishing a clear, coordinated approach to health and safety across all sectors, supported by targeted action plans and accountability measures. Industry leaders call for a dedicated Ministerial Advisory Group to ensure health and safety priorities are driven by those directly involved in the field.

  2. Enhance and Support WorkSafe’s Role: WorkSafe, New Zealand’s primary health and safety regulator, plays a vital role in keeping workplaces safe. However, many believe WorkSafe needs increased funding and strategic clarity to intervene effectively in high-risk areas. Having the resources to set clear standards and consistently enforce them would help create a level playing field for all businesses, big or small.

  3. Update Regulations and Practical Guidance: Currently, many businesses feel uncertain about what is expected of them due to outdated or ambiguous regulations. Calls have been made to update regulatory guidelines, especially around emerging issues like mental health and well-being, to provide clear, practical support that makes compliance straightforward and effective.

These recommended reforms highlight a broader goal: to create a health and safety system that helps businesses stay compliant without burdening them with unclear or excessive obligations.

Get Involved and Stay Informed

At Advanced Safety, we believe that practical, balanced regulations are crucial for fostering a strong safety culture across New Zealand. Whether you're an employer, a safety professional, or a worker on the ground, your input can shape policies that keep people safe while empowering businesses to thrive.

Take the next step for a safer workplace today. Whether you need advice on navigating existing regulations or are looking for practical solutions to improve your safety systems, contact Advanced Safety to speak with one of our health and safety consultants. Our team is here to help you achieve a balance between compliance and real-world risk management that works for your business.